Liverpool History Society Questions

A selection of Liverpool history questions submitted to the Liverpool History Society

Alhambra public house


Hi there
I’m not sure if I am sending my enquiry to the correct email address. If not, perhaps you would be kind enough to forward it the correct address.
I vaguely remember as a small child spending part of the war years in a public house down by Liverpool docks called the Alhambra. I can remember being told by my mother that we were there during the very heavy bombing raids on Liverpool, and use to take cover in the cellar !! The landlady at the time was Bessie Hatfield (or Worrall) who was my great Aunt. I think she was a widow who had two daughters living with her called Joan and Betty Worrall.
I would be really pleased to receive any historical information you may have in respect of this public house, and also whether or not it is still standing today.
Many thanks.
Gloria Woodman


09/08/2009 Posted by | Alhambra public house | 3 Comments