Liverpool History Society Questions

A selection of Liverpool history questions submitted to the Liverpool History Society

Music School or Conservatory Krausse Bedford Street

Dear Sir or Madam,

recently my mother discovered letters which were written by her grandmother to her family in Gera, Germany during her one year stay in Liverpool in 1892/93. She visited her uncle and aunt by the name of Krausse (Krause?) who lived in Bedford Street. He ran a music school or conservatory which must have had a certain size as he employed several teachers. Is there anything still known about that school? Apparently, the Krausses left to go back to Germany around 1901.

I would be very pleased to receive some information if there is any as I am going to visit Liverpool with my mother in the beginning of May.

Thank you very much for your support!
With best regards,
Andreas Blochel
Andreas Blochel
Langemarckstr. 99
D-79100 Freiburg

03/04/2011 Posted by | Music School or Conservatory Krausse Bedford Street | | 1 Comment