Liverpool History Society Questions

A selection of Liverpool history questions submitted to the Liverpool History Society

South Castle Street

Hello Liverpool History Society

While doing other research for a book I came across an address that puzzles me.

In a list of representatives of an insurance company, their names are listed along with their address. Please see below:

There is “35 Castle-street” and there is “11 South Castle-street”

I know that Castle-street would have been in the centre of Liverpool.  There is also a “11 south Castle-street” in Woolton.  I am trying to find out if it is possible that “11 South Castle-street” is possibly part of Castle Street in the centre of Liverpool, or is it indeed the street in Woolton?

I need some local experience to clear this up please. I have worked for many years with our local heritage society, but I live in Canada and hope that someone in Liverpool might be able to please assist with this question.

Thank you.

Stuart Stark

10/06/2011 Posted by | South Castle Street | | 3 Comments